Legal Opinion: Recent Jessica Yaniv Simpson Lawsuits, Jessica Yaniv Simpson vs Township of Langley and Others: Amended Reply, April 9, 2021: Jessica Yaniv Simpson and Co. Legal Update, Jessica Yaniv Simpson Scamming Victims of Langley Fire Tragedy, Jessica Yaniv Simpson Harassing DFS, Hurting Restaurants. Your email address will not be published. Jessica Yaniv Simpson, accused pedophile, sexual assaulter, child groomer, serial liar, and rape fetishist thinks he can go toe to toe with another branch of the Township of Langley emergency services. If @trustednerd Jessica Yaniv Simpson offers you advice, run. Wildfire Service were on the scene of a half-hectare wildfire on Wednesday. The Langley Volunteer Fire Department, located in Langley, SC, provides fire protection and emergency response services to the Langley community. @GlobalBC @CTVVancouver @VancouverSun @LangleyTimes @LangleyRCMP @BCProvCourt @BCProsecution, Reminder to everyone in the #langleyfire. No one was transported to hospital. ! Because fat Jon the fake eunuch identifies as trans, government departments fall over themselves in a sycophantic fashion to pander to his whims, the psychoti nutter needs to be locked away for his and the publics safety, Can this get any more bizarre. The only person that published the statements to a third party is JY. “The fire must have burned a cable creating a circuit because the starter engaged and with the car in gear it started moving forward.”. FAX: 360-321-9385. Still relying heavily on our team of volunteers, we proudly serve the citizens of South Whidbey Island. ”I was never ”lewd and inappropriate and I’ve confirmed this yesterday with a platoon commander asked several times what is this in reference to. UPDATE: ‘It’s far from over,’ Langley firefighters continue to battle massive condo fire. The Agassiz Fire Department reported the fire in the 2000 block of the Lougheed Highway near Mount Woodside outside of Harrison Mills, in which approximately half a hectare was on fire. The Langley parish firefighters received at 9 p.m.3pm call about the fire. First he was in his bathtub in his own house (he was in Miriam’s for a good part of the calls). Many thought he was making a joke based on Yaniv trying to get a National Sex Day declared in Canada when he was a student. Several ambulances responded and treated one person on scene for minor injuries. Stop sexually harassing every human you possibly can. Firefighter – Langley – 2020. Darren Carlson was at the scene when the vehicle fire broke out and witnessed what he called a quick response from firefighters. There’s no such thing.”. When you combine this stuff with Yaniv’s previous complaints about the ToL all you can do is laugh. The Fire Department's mission is to prevent the loss of life and property. Hewitson said it will be left with the insurance company to investigate. Eight firefighters from the Township of Langley Fire Department were placed under isolation at home, after possibly being exposed to a coronavirus … Township of Langley Fire Department The Township of Langley Fire Department is a combination of career/paid-call service members. Administration: 360-321-1533 Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. You’re using as another excuse to be perverted. Langley Fire Department 2724 Augusta Rd Warrenville SC 29851. In the comments (make sure you scroll right) he blames it on his car accident. See Contact info, map, photos, logo, volunteer recruitment info, mission statement, firefighters, fire equipment and more. The Agassiz and Seabird Island fire departments and B.C. The flames broke out … Search for other Fire Departments in Graniteville on The Real Yellow Pages®. Yesterday, Feb 4, 2021, Yaniv posted a letter from the Langley FD’s legal team. Search; Home; Good News; Cannabis 19+ Submit News Tip; News. This is going to be a fun year folks. -- About 100 people have been forced out of their homes after a massive fire broke out in a condo tower in Langley. @NEWS1130 Some pictures of the Langley fire from my friend who lives across the street — Adam Forsythe (@adamforsythe) July 18, 2020 Around 8 p.m., NEWS 1130’s Bruce Claggett said the 49-unit building was smouldering, and the … I knew this was going to happen if you had the surgery. Once the judge is presented with the entire contents of Meowmix you won’t have any sort of reputation to protect, you’re fucked, dead in the water before you even start. Carlson said the incident happened at the corner of 66th Avenue and 203rd Street around 6 p.m. “We had a tense minute when the car started moving forward under its own power even though the engine was not running,” he recalled. We changed our name to better reflect the service we provide. “WHO’VE I’VE” essentially stand for ”Who have I have”. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 19, 2021 10:55 p.m. News That’s what Township of Langley assistant fire chief Andy Hewitson told the Langley Advance Times around 1 a.m. on Tuesday, as crews continue to battle a massive condo blaze in Yorkson. FFS what the fuck is he playing at with this?! Reviews (870) 356-5454. Jon you are a nasty pig. Aiken, SC (WJBF)– On April 3, 2021 at 7:00pm members of the Silver Bluff Fire Department respond to a barn fire at 532 Glenwood Dr. Equine Rescue. I learned better grammar and spelling when I was in the 6th grade English and Intro to Basic Writing classes, long before I even began High School. “They were able to knock it down fairly quickly with an attack line. This has gone way too far. Get directions, reviews and information for Langley Fire Department in Langley, AR. ”I was never ”lewd and inappropriate and I’ve confirmed this yesterday with a platoon commander asked several times what is this in reference to. In March of 1977, the City of Langley officially created the Langley … I think we should start a class action lawsuit against the quack that have you the damn surgery. You admitted it Required fields are marked *. “They … Dispatch: Emergencies - Please call 9-1-1 Non -emergency 360-321-4400. The Township of Langley Fire Department has become the first agency in BC and 1 of only 9 in Canada to receive prestigious international accreditation. But many a true word is said in jest & based on Jonny’s recent sex obsessed behaviour, Gervais looks pretty prescient. You’re a fucking pedophile and judging by what has been happening in your life lately I don’t think you have very much longer to love, it’s only a matter of time before somebody gets hurt or killed but still you keep roling the dice, eventully your number is going to come up, gambling with your life is like that you fat, delusional, psychotic, cockless fucking moron. The department responds to approximately 5,500 emergency calls per year, ranging from structure fires to grass fires, from rescues and auto extrication to backup for emergency health services. The Township of Langley provides access to an unparalleled transportation network, world-class amenities and supplies, a skilled labour force, and some of Metro Vancouver's most affordable housing and business rates - including one of the region's most competitive tax rates. Cringe-worthy to say the least. For more information about fire and life safety inspections, please call 604.514.2852 or email There’s no such thing.”. WOW. Libel requires third party publication of the allegedly defamatory statements. Catch up on Yaniv’s latest debauchery – stalking dozens, if not hundreds of teens on Tiktok. “The car was fully involved when our crews arrived,” explained Andy Hewitson, assistant fire chief. Langley Fire Stations., 2021 © Copyright You call those people multiple times a day for one reason and one reason only. 19, 2021 12:00 a.m. They all hate him. The best part of all of this is that you know the Township of Langley has their business in order. First responders did not determine a cause. I think Ricky Gervais said it best when he called Yaniv a Sex Pest in 2019. Home Directory Photos Logos Search Fire Station By Name Nearest Fire Station by address Add/Edit Fire Dept … They try to scam people during tragedies. Click here for #TikTokStalkAlerts! The Township of Langley Fire Department is asking anyone with video or pictures taken in the area between 8 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., including dashcam or security camera footage, to submit it via email to Right. It accused him of misusing their services twice daily since January 21, 2021 to lift him out of his tub, and lewd and inappropriate conduct with the fire department. This is a developing story. *February 5th 2021 Hence, JY is the only party who could be held liable for the “libellous” statements. Meowmix is right, you cannot sue for libel when you yourself published the allegedly libelous information (Smith v Lee). You make me physically sick. Just to let the community know what we are up to! The wildfire is located near the Dollarama off of Highway 5, Mak Parhar accused gov, police of trespass, malfeasance, extortion, terrorism, kidnapping and fraud, Up to 456 people now in hospital, 148 in intensive care, Instagram post urges general population to stay home, wear a mask and get vaccinated, Langley Emergency Services is connecting with the evacuees at Willoughby Hall, Organizations answer plea for help, contributing to local school-based food programs, Huge numbers of houses are being built in Greater Vancouver and across Canada. ☰ Your email address will not be published. BC Emergency Health Services (BCEHS) reported receiving a call from the Township of Langley Fire Department at 5:45 pm on June 13 about a structure fire near 68th Avenue and 197th Street in Langley. We are an active department. What about the lewd sexual conduct towards the fire services, this is class A sexual assault and just like you and Amy Hamm, because you sexually assaulted them, you should pay each of them $35,000 compensation, these are your rules. #DeplanetPredators, Jessica Yaniv Simpson vs. Langley FD: Manic Twitter Rant. Twitter erupted in laughter over this, and it soon spread to every other social media platform. ... Twitter. Mailing Address: 5579 Bayview Road Langley, WA 98260 The vehicle owner was able to remove some personal items from the trunk of the car, Carlson said, noting that it was located at front rather than the rear where the fire began. The tweet below accompanied it. How can it be libel if the only source of it is Yaniv? The same Jessica Yaniv that is suing the Township, crowdfunded money for themselves under the guise of charity for a cop after his condo burned, and the one that ripped off the Cops 4 Cancer charity. A classic Porsche Speedster replica caught fire on a Langley road around 6 p.m. on Saturday, April 17, 2021. Local News They’ve provided guidance on how they can respond to his calls. Losing weight and not taking baths are not an option? (Darren Carlson/Special to Langley Advance Times), Bill for meth lab fire leads to lawsuit against Langley Township, B.C. There is an exactly zero percent chance that a “platoon commander” gave Yaniv any kind of statement. So now he was in the shower, and he claims he was under a towel, and he claims it was a medical emergency. “[The] owner was there and was feeling pretty bad about the whole thing,” he said, describing the vehicle as a Intermeccanica 1955 Porsche 356 Speedster replica. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Looking at the vehicle information it looks like it was a ‘ubuilt’ modified car.”. won’t be using random individual road stops to enforce travel rules: Safety Minister, Abbotsford nurse at ‘breaking point’ pleads with public to take COVID-19 seriously, Evacuees describe seeing ‘Armageddon’ as embers rained down on Langley homes, B.C. “The car was fully involved when our crews arrived,” explained Andy Hewitson, assistant fire chief. Awkward and totally improper. READ MORE: Bill for meth lab fire leads to lawsuit against Langley Township. Menu & Reservations Make Reservations . Get local stories you won't find anywhere else right to your inbox. budget line advocates applaud, Housing construction boom not unique to Langley. Dozens of nearby residents had to be evacuated as the fire spread, according to reports.This footage, captured by local resident Amber Wuensche and posted to Twitter, shows the smoke from the blaze towering over the condo complex.In the video’s caption, Wuensche … **PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION**In this video you will see, Engine 1 of the Langley City Fire Department, Responding for a Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA). Wow, I sure hope the UN doesn’t change its mind about making Jonathan their Princess Spokesperson Model Activist Champion Ambassador because of this. This is a developing story. Therefore he ‘confirmed’ that I was not lewd and inappropriate. They’ve documented every single word exchanged between themselves and Yaniv. What disability? Browse Yaniv posted to Facebook shortly after and his story changed. Even the ToL lawyers must be laughing it up. @LangleyTownship Please be aware that Jessica Simpson AKA Yaniv has taken to answering questions on your behalf Pls stop this before real damage & financial hardship is caused by her @LangleyRCMP @BCProvCourt @BCProsecution @GlobalBC @CTVVancouver @VancouverSun @LangleyTimes, @LangleyTownship is Jessica Simpson AKA Yaniv an official agent of the City with authority to negotiate hotel rooms on behalf of the Township? You want to force them to look at your wound. Let’s be clear, there are dozens & dozens of instances archived here on MM of Jon being lewd & inappropriate with LITERALLY everyone he has ever interacted with!!! This same person started a fundraiser in their own name last year after a cop's condo caught fire. He is a sexual deviant and needs to be on a locked ward for a very long time before he gets the opportunity to sexually assault someone else!!! Platoon commander? What doctors orders? It accused him of misusing their services twice daily since January 21, 2021 to lift him out of his tub, and lewd and inappropriate conduct with the fire department. You filthy hog, they didn’t come there to inspect your gash. 11 were here. Not a pervert? Finally some action of Twitter. Stop harming the trans community with your sick fetishes. Joti Grewal Apr. Today, Feb 5, 2021, Yaniv erupted in defensive, absolutely dishonest tweets that can only be described as manic. Fire protection and backup emergency medical services are provided to the citizens of the Township from 8 Langley fire stations located throughout the Township. announces historic half-billion-dollar funding for overdose crisis, mental health, $200,000 in donations help feed hungry Langley students, Public transit to be free for kids 12 and younger – a ‘bold’ B.C. LANGLEY, B.C. Get directions, reviews and information for Langley Fire Department in Warrenville, SC. Also note that truth is a defence & the emergency services will make statements against him/her/shim and he is outnumbered ten to one. The Township of Langley Fire Department is a combination career/paid call service that consists of approximately 100 staff of each paid and call members. Nobody wants to see you naked. The company said it does not know the cause of the fire. Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Langley Fire Department at 2724 Augusta Rd, Langley, SC 29834. $111 million will be used to fund 3,750 new $10-a-day spaces though 75 additional ChildCareBC universal prototype sites over the next three years. He released the letter himself so nope no libel there Jon! Didn’t need to say “Trans vaginas” or make reference to sending them a bikini bathtub calendar!!! Yesterday, Feb 4, 2021, Yaniv posted a letter from the Langley FD’s legal team. What libel? ATLANTA -- A one-story home in rural Atlanta belonging to a volunteer firefighter sustained heavy damage in a fire Tuesday afternoon. Instagram. Reviews (803) 593-5505. Pandemic-year deficit $5 billion lower than forecast, Vancouver G-Men play again Wednesday, hoping to take down Victoria for a fourth time this season, Local woman’s first time kayaking brings unwelcome drama and praise for a young helper, Thank You for Caring Society raised funds at their annual Christmas Tea to help feed hungry students, Simple Generosity program meant to celebrate and encourage local economic and individual resilience, Minister Mike Farnworth says travel checks only being considered at major highway junctions, ferry ports, Of it, $152 million will be used to address the opioid crisis and see the creation of 195 new substance use treatment beds, Program could save families upwards of $50 per month, Packaging suppliers are still figuring eco-friendly and affordable packaging options that fit the mandates of Cannabis Regulations. Let’s quickly review his statements in the screenshots above. History. Everyone hates your fat ass because you’re disgusting. “We don’t typically determine cause of vehicle fires unless criminal activity is suspected,” he explained. Also a libel action needs to filed in The Supreme Court, costs are about ten grand a day and libel is one of the most complicated laws there is, they will bring top-gun lawyers that won’t be beaten by simply Googling “libel” and then reading out the results blindly to the courts, it doesn’t work like that fuckwit and you have to prove you have a reputation to ruin. One of the most OBVIOUS fails even he’s come up with in awhile. Search for other Fire Departments in Langley on The Real Yellow Pages®. Langley Fire Department is located in Langley, SC. He was lewd and inappropriate in that post FFS! Langley Fire Department 2587 Highway 84 W Langley AR 71952. A classic Porsche replica caught fire on a local road Saturday evening, prompting a response from the Township of Langley fire department. Apr. He’s suing for libel. Or is this another one of her frauds? Despite being close to passing the bar exam, Yaniv has basically handed this case to them on a silver platter. Fire Recruitment Job Board Team ... along with management to achieve an efficient and effective Fire Department. Joti Grewal Apr. “I guess they don’t like trans vagina”. A classic Porsche replica caught fire on a local road Saturday evening, prompting a response from the Township of Langley fire department. 0 Firefighter – Langley – 2020. “We had nothing to put it out with, so all we could do is watch, unfortunately,” he said. A body was found Wednesday, July 15, 2020 after Langley RCMP and the Langley Fire Department responded to a report of a brush fire in the area of 46A Avenue and 196A Street near the Surrey-Langley border (Carol Anne Carlson/special to Langley Advance Times) ... Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter… The two contractions Jonathan attempted but failed at, above…i.e. Here you have a completely psychotic, narcissistic psychopath playing out his sexual fantasies by having his cock chopped off and then ringing 911 to call the Fire Brigade so he can show the female members his new-man cunt and then sexually accost them, all because he identifies as “Just girl”. Township of Langley firefighters received a call about the fire at 9:35 p.m. This has gone too far, this man needs to be sectioned to a secure psychiatric facility before somebody gets seriously injured or killed. Menu & Reservations Make Reservations . What false accusations? Approximately 60 firefighters and 14 vehicles fought the blaze, along with reinforcements from Langley Fire Rescue. 19, 2021 10:55 p.m. News Langley’s Willougby neighbourhood is dealing with the aftermath of the massive overnight condo fire. Translation: I bugged and bugged a guy to tell me and he wouldn’t talk to me. ... Careers in the Fire Department . On Facebook…. South Whidbey Fire/EMS was established as Island County Fire Protection District #3 by local community volunteers in 1950. They’ve debriefed every person who has attended Yaniv’s residence. Gonna be boring when this fat waste of skin is finally locked away. A fire ripped through a condo development that was under construction in Langley, British Columbia, on Monday, April 19. Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Langley Fire Department at 242 Sudlow Lake Rd, Graniteville, SC 29829. Even the ToL lawyers must be laughing it up erupted in defensive, absolutely dishonest that., AR provides fire protection and emergency response services to the citizens of south Whidbey Island local stories wo. There is an exactly zero percent chance that a “ platoon commander ” gave any! 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