The rainwater has flowed in, and the water level will subside if we linger on for days. Destined to marry the Crown King made her own name and history. Lü Cong passed on the marquis title to his younger brother Lü Mu (呂睦) when he died. Sun Quan became more worried as Lü Meng's condition deteriorated over time. Lü Meng gained 600 households from Xunyang County (尋陽縣; southwest of present-day Huangmei County, Hubei) for his tuntian system and had 30 more subordinates placed under his command. Ok Mother. He shed tears after that. Sun Quan then said, "I'm not saying that I want you to take up Confucian studies and become a scholar-official. Within a few years time, Cao Cao's military prowess would have increased significantly, so we should eliminate them soon." When Sun Quan came to inspect Lü Meng's unit, he was so impressed that he placed more soldiers under Lü Meng's command, thus saving Lü Meng's troops from being merged into another unit. Liu Bei's territories in Jing Province had completely fallen under Sun Quan's control. The fictional character Ryomou Shimei of the anime and manga series Ikki Tousen is based on Lü Meng. When Lü Meng met Hao Pu, he revealed the truth to the latter, clapped his hands and laughed. That's the way to secure total victory." [Sanguozhi 18], The territorial dispute between Sun Quan and Liu Bei was eventually resolved when both sides agreed to divide Jing Province between their respective domains along the Xiang River. He was also granted the title of "Marquis of Chanling" (孱陵侯) and awarded 100 million coins and 500 jin of gold. Seventeen of us (Pastor Gong Shengliang, Brother Xu Fuming, Brother Hu Yong, Brother Gong Bangkun, Sister Li Ying, Sister Sun Minghua, Sister Xiao Yanli, Brother Dong Daolai, Brother Yi Chuanfu, Brother Qiu Chunyi, Brother Du Qingfeng, Brother Fu Shijun, Sister Cao Hongmei, Sister Xiang Fengping, Sister Liu Xianzhi, Sister Meng Xicun, and Sister Li Yingping) were detained at the No. This aunt was really like a child. Sun Quan also sent an urgent order to Lü Meng, ordering him to give up on Lingling and lead his troops to Yiyang to assist Lu Su. He then asked Deng Xuanzhi to help him persuade Hao Pu to give up on Lingling. Lü Meng was awarded 600 taxable households from Xunyang (尋陽) and given 30 more subordinates under his command. When Gan Ning sent a messenger to Zhou Yu's camp to request for relief forces, most of Sun Quan's officers saw that they did not have enough men to spare, so they refused to help Gan Ning. This was because when he was a kid, he almost died drowning. [Sanguozhi 9], The Jiang Biao Zhuan gave a slightly different account of the meeting between Lu Su and Lü Meng. Back then, my dad and your dad were best friends, the marriage was decided before they were born and they hoped that the descendants would all get married throughout the years. Why do we not attack Guan Yu instead? He sent messengers to meet Lü Meng, who brought them on a tour of the city. We can retreat via the water route after that. Lü Meng's mother sighed and let him have his way. Why build a dock?" He also offered 1,000 jin of gold as a reward to any person who could cure Lü Meng. You should visit him soon." Sun Quan felt that Lü Meng's advice was appropriate and heeded it. Lü Meng wrote to the Administrators of the three commanderies, asking them to submit to Sun Quan, and they all agreed, with the exception of Lingling's Hao Pu (郝普). He shouldn't be seen in the same light now as he was in the past. You have achieved victory but haven't received any reward yet, so how can you leave now?" Upon his return, Lü Meng was promoted to "Lieutenant-General" (偏將軍) and appointed "Prefect of Xunyang" (尋陽令). [Sanguozhi zhu 7], Lü Meng rejected the coins and gold, but Sun Quan insisted that he accept. Liu Meng Qi reluctantly paired up with Yan Ao Xue, reason being her friend Ruo Lian in sympathy had paired up with the non stop crying Tan Xin. Zhu Guang developed the area for agricultural use, while bribing bandits from Poyang County to cause trouble in Sun Quan's territories. However, he is conceited and thinks highly of himself. Sun Quan and his subjects were celebrating their conquest of Jing Province, with Lü Meng receiving the highest honour. Guan Yu's troops increased in numbers after his victory so he lacked food supplies. When that happens, our troops will sail along the river, travelling day and night, and swiftly attack the weakly defended territories. [Sanguozhi 31], Guan Yu fell for the ruse and withdrew the backup forces and advanced towards Fancheng. In the year 200, after Sun Ce was assassinated, his younger brother Sun Quan succeeded him as the warlord ruling the territories in the Jiangdong region. Zhou Yu proposed to Sun Quan to let Lü Meng take charge of Xi Su's troops. “Meng Xu? Sun Quan then said:[Sanguozhi zhu 1] .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, "I am not saying that I want you to take up Confucian studies and become a scholar-official. When he defeated and captured Guan Yu, he did better than Lu Zijing. [Sanguozhi 37], In his younger days, Lü Meng was not competent in reading and writing. Sun Quan wanted to construct a dock at Ruxu, but his subordinates said, "We should land on the other side of the river and attack the enemy, then return to our ships. Have you made any contingency plans to deal with unforeseen circumstances?" Sun Quan remarked: "A hundred birds of prey are not comparable to one osprey." I assure you that Ling Tong can defend our current position for at least ten days. Lü Meng was aware of Guan Yu's military prowess and intentions of seizing Sun Quan's territories in Jing Province, and that Guan was in a strategic position on the upstream of the Yangtze River. [Sanguozhi 1], At the time, an official despised Lü Meng for his age, and often insulted him with words such as: "What can he do? Guan Yu's troops increased in numbers after his victory so he lacked food supplies. Around that time, Cao Cao's general Zhang Liao was leading reinforcements from Hefei to help Zhu Guang, and when he reached Jiashi (夾石), he heard that Huan had been captured by the enemy, so he withdrew his troops. This is the way to secure total victory." Lü Meng wrote a secret letter to Sun Quan:[Sanguozhi 23], "You can order Sun Jiao to guard Nan Commandery, Pan Zhang to station at Baidicheng, and Jiang Qin to lead 10,000 marines to sail along the river and attack any enemy position. If we lose and the enemy closes in, and we don't have time to retreat to the riverbank, how can we even board our ships?" They were delighted to see what they had been hoping for. Have you made any contingency plans to deal with unforeseen circumstances?" His behaviour would only result in him feeding himself to the tigers." When she wanted to punish him, Lü Meng said: "It is difficult to survive in poverty. "Senior Brother Meng and Senior Sister Liu are here!" When Lü Meng heard about it, he collected funds to purchase elaborately designed armour for his troops. [Sanguozhi 30], Gan Ning, a general under Sun Quan, was notorious for his violent and murderous ways, and Lü Meng was unhappy with him. He engaged Meng Da, who ran away before the conflict had well begun. "[Sanguozhi 30], Sun Quan agreed to Lü Meng's plan and played along by openly approving his request to return to Jianye for medical treatment. Liu Qiao was said to be a 20th generation descendant of Han Dynasty's Prince of Chu, Liu Jiao (劉交), a younger brother of Han's founder Emperor Gaozu of Han. Prominent people at the End of the Han dynasty (189–220), (呂蒙字子明,汝南富陂人也。 ... 少南渡,依姊夫鄧當。當為孫策將,數討山越。蒙年十五六,竊隨當擊賊,當顧見大驚,呵叱不能禁止。歸以告蒙母,母恚欲罰之,蒙曰:「貧賤難可居,脫誤有功,富貴可致。且不探虎穴,安得虎子?」母哀而舍之。), (時當職吏以蒙年小輕之,曰:「彼豎子何能為?此欲以肉餧虎耳。」他日與蒙會,又蚩辱之。蒙大怒,引刀殺吏,出走,逃邑子鄭長家。出因校尉袁雄自首,承間為言,策召見奇之,引置左右。), (數歲,鄧當死,張昭薦蒙代當,拜別部司馬。權統事,料諸小將兵少而用薄者,欲并合之。蒙陰賒貰,為兵作絳衣行縢,及簡日,陳列赫然,兵人練習,權見之大恱,增其兵。), (從征黃祖,祖令都督陳就逆以水軍出戰。蒙勒前鋒,親梟就首,將士乘勝,進攻其城。祖聞就死,委城走,兵追禽之。權曰:「事之克,由陳就先獲也。」以蒙為橫野中郎將,賜錢千萬。), (益州將襲肅舉軍來附,瑜表以肅兵益蒙,蒙盛稱肅有膽用,且慕化遠來,於義宜益不宜奪也。權善其言,還肅兵。), (瑜使甘寧前據夷陵,曹仁分衆攻寧,寧困急,使使請救。諸將以兵少不足分,蒙謂瑜、普曰:「留淩公績,蒙與君行,解圍釋急,勢亦不乆,蒙保公績能十日守也。」又說瑜分遣三百人柴斷險道,賊走可得其馬。瑜從之。軍到夷陵,即日交戰,所殺過半。敵夜遁去,行遇柴道,騎皆舍馬步走。兵追蹙擊,獲馬三百匹,方船載還。於是將士形勢自倍,乃渡江立屯,與相攻擊,曹仁退走,遂據南郡,撫定荊州。還,拜偏將軍,領尋陽令。), (魯肅代周瑜,當之陸口,過蒙屯下。肅意尚輕蒙,或說肅曰:「呂將軍功名日顯,不可以故意待也,君宜顧之。」遂往詣蒙。酒酣,蒙問肅曰:「君受重任,與關羽為鄰,將何計略,以備不虞?」肅造次應曰:「臨時施宜。」蒙曰:「今東西雖為一家,而關羽實熊虎也,計安可不豫定?」因為肅畫五策。肅於是越席就之,拊其背曰:「呂子明,吾不知卿才略所及乃至於此也。」遂拜蒙母,結友而別。), (魏使廬江謝奇為蘄春典農,屯皖田鄉,數為邊寇。蒙使人誘之,不從,則伺隙襲擊,奇遂縮退,其部伍孫子才、宋豪等,皆攜負老弱,詣蒙降。), (後從權拒曹公於濡須,數進奇計,又勸權夾水口立塢,所以備御甚精,曹公不能下而退。), (曹公遣朱光為廬江太守,屯皖,大開稻田,又令間人招誘鄱陽賊帥,使作內應。蒙曰:「皖田肥美,若一收孰,彼衆必增,如是數歲,操態見矣,宜早除之。」乃具陳其狀。於是權親征皖,引見諸將,問以計策。), (蒙乃薦甘寧為升城督,督攻在前,蒙以精銳繼之。侵晨進攻,蒙手執枹鼓,士卒皆騰踊自升,食時破之。旣而張遼至夾石,聞城已拔,乃退。權嘉其功,即拜廬江太守,所得人馬皆分與之,別賜尋陽屯田六百戶,官屬三十人。), (蒙還尋陽,未期而廬陵賊起,諸將討擊不能禽,權曰:「鷙鳥累百,不如一鶚。」復令蒙討之。蒙至,誅其首惡,餘皆釋放,復為平民。), (是時劉備令關羽鎮守,專有荊土,權命蒙西取長沙、零、桂三郡。蒙移書二郡,望風歸服,惟零陵太守郝普城守不降。而備自蜀親至公安,遣羽爭三郡。權時住陸口,使魯肅將萬人屯益陽拒羽,而飛書召蒙,使捨零陵,急還助肅。), (初,蒙旣定長沙,當之零陵,過酃,載南陽鄧玄之,玄之者郝普之舊也,欲令誘普。及被書當還,蒙祕之,夜召諸將,授以方略,晨當攻城,顧謂玄之曰:「郝子太聞世間有忠義事,亦欲為之,而不知時也。左將軍在漢中,為夏侯淵所圍。關羽在南郡,今至尊身自臨之。近者破樊本屯,救酃,逆為孫規所破。此皆目前之事,君所親見也。彼方首尾倒縣,救死不給,豈有餘力復營此哉?今吾士卒精銳,人思致命,至尊遣兵,相繼於道。今予以旦夕之命,待不可望之救,猶牛蹄中魚,兾賴江漢,其不可恃亦明矣。若子太必能一士卒之心,保孤城之守,尚能稽延旦夕,以待所歸者,可也。今吾計力度慮,而以攻此,曾不移日,而城必破,城破之後,身死何益於事,而令百歲老母戴白受誅,豈不痛哉?度此家不得外問,謂援可恃,故至於此耳。君可見之,為陳禍福。」玄之見普,具宣蒙意,普懼而聽之。玄之先出報蒙,普尋後當至。蒙豫勑四將,各選百人,普出,便入守城門。須臾普出,蒙迎執其手,與俱下船。語畢,出書示之,因拊手大笑,普見書,知備在公安,而羽在益陽,慙恨入地。蒙留孫河委以後事。即日引軍赴益陽。), (後曹公又大出濡須,權以蒙為督,據前所立塢,置彊弩萬張於其上,以拒曹公。曹公前鋒屯未就,蒙攻破之,曹公引退。拜蒙左護軍、虎威將軍。), (魯肅卒,蒙西屯陸口,肅軍人馬萬餘盡以屬蒙。又拜漢昌太守,食下雋、劉陽、漢昌、州陵。與關羽分土接境,知羽驍雄,有并兼心,且居國上流,其勢難乆。), (初,魯肅等以為曹公尚存,禍難始搆,宜相輔協,與之同仇,不可失也,蒙乃密陳計策曰:「令征虜守南郡,潘璋住白帝,蔣欽將游兵萬人,循江上下,應敵所在,蒙為國家前據襄陽,如此,何憂於操,何賴於羽?且羽君臣,矜其詐力,所在反覆,不可以腹心待也。今羽所以未便東向者,以至尊聖明,蒙等尚存也。今不於彊壯時圖之,一旦僵仆,欲復陳力,其可得邪?」 ... 權深納其策,又聊復與論取徐州意,蒙對曰:「今操遠在河北,新破諸袁,撫集幽、兾,未暇東顧。徐土守兵,聞不足言,往自可克。然地勢陸通,驍騎所騁,至尊今日得徐州,操後旬必來爭,雖以七八萬人守之,猶當懷憂。不如取羽,全據長江,形勢益張。」權尤以此言為當。), (後羽討樊,留兵將備公安、南郡。蒙上疏曰:「羽討樊而多留備兵,必恐蒙圖其後故也。蒙常有病,乞分士衆還建業,以治疾為名。羽聞之,必撤備兵,盡赴襄陽。大軍浮江,晝夜馳上,襲其空虛,則南郡可下,而羽可禽也。」遂稱病篤,權乃露檄召蒙還,陰與圖計。), (羽果信之,稍撤兵以赴樊。魏使于禁救樊,羽盡禽禁等,人馬數萬,託以糧乏,擅取湘關米。權聞之,遂行,先遣蒙在前。蒙至尋陽,盡伏其精兵[][]中,使白衣搖櫓,作商賈人服,晝夜兼行,至羽所置江邊屯候,盡收縛之,是故羽不聞知。遂到南郡,士仁、麋芳皆降。), (蒙入據城,盡得羽及將士家屬,皆撫慰,約令軍中不得干歷人家,有所求取。蒙麾下士,是汝南人,取民家一笠,以覆官鎧,官鎧雖公,蒙猶以為犯軍令,不可以鄉里故而廢法,遂垂涕斬之。於是軍中震慄,道不拾遺。蒙旦暮使親近存恤耆老,問所不足,疾病者給醫藥,饑寒者賜衣糧。羽府藏財寶,皆封閉以待權至。), (羽還,在道路,數使人與蒙相聞,蒙輒厚遇其使,周游城中,家家致問,或手書示信。羽人還,私相參訊,咸知家門無恙,見待過於平時,故羽吏士無鬬心。會權尋至,羽自知孤窮,乃走麥城,西至漳鄉,衆皆委羽而降。權使朱然、潘璋斷其徑路,即父子俱獲,荊州遂定。), (蒙固辭金錢,權不許。封爵未下,會蒙疾發,權時在公安,迎置內殿,所以治護者萬方,募封內有能愈蒙疾者,賜千金。時有鍼加,權為之慘慼,欲數見其顏色,又恐勞動,常穿壁瞻之,見小能下食則喜,顧左右言笑,不然則咄唶,夜不能寐。病中瘳,為下赦令,羣臣畢賀。後更增篤,權自臨視,命道士於星辰下為之請命。年四十二,遂卒於內殿。時權哀痛甚,為之降損。蒙未死時,所得金寶諸賜盡付府藏,勑主者命絕之日皆上還,喪事務約。權聞之,益以悲感。), (蒙少不脩書傳,每陳大事,常口占為牋疏。常以部曲事為江夏太守蔡遺所白,蒙無恨意。及豫章太守顧邵卒,權問所用,蒙因薦遺奉職佳吏,權笑曰:「君欲為祁奚耶?」於是用之。), (甘寧麤暴好殺,旣常失蒙意,又時違權令,權怒之,蒙輒陳請:「天下未定,鬬將如寧難得,宜容忍之。」權遂厚寧,卒得其用。), (子明少時,孤謂不辭劇易,果敢有膽而已。及身長大,學問開益,籌略奇至,可以次於公瑾,但言議英發不及之耳。圖取關羽,勝於魯子敬。), (呂蒙勇而有謀,斷識軍計,譎郝普,禽關羽,最其妙者。初雖輕果妄殺,終於克己,有國士之量,豈徒武將而已乎!孫權之論,優劣允當,故載錄焉。), (江表傳曰:初,權謂蒙及蔣欽曰:「卿今並當塗掌事,宜學問以自開益。」蒙曰:「在軍中常苦多務,恐不容復讀書。」權曰:「孤豈欲卿治經為博士邪?但當令涉獵見往事耳。卿言多務孰若孤,孤少時歷詩、書、禮記、左傳、國語,惟不讀易。至統事以來,省三史、諸家兵書,自以為大有所益。如卿二人,意性朗悟,學必得之,寧當不為乎?宜急讀孫子、六韜、左傳、國語及三史。孔子言『終日不食,終夜不寢以思,無益,不如學也』。光武當兵馬之務,手不釋卷。孟德亦自謂老而好學。卿何獨不自勉勗邪?」蒙始就學,篤志不倦,其所覽見,舊儒不勝。), (後魯肅上代周瑜,過蒙言議,常欲受屈。肅拊蒙背曰:「吾謂大弟但有武略耳,至於今者,學識英博,非復吳下阿蒙。」蒙曰:「士別三日,即更刮目相待。大兄今論,何一稱穰侯乎。兄今代公瑾,旣難為繼,且與關羽為鄰。斯人長而好學,讀左傳略皆上口,梗亮有雄氣,然性頗自負,好陵人。今與為對,當有單複以鄉待之。」。密為肅陳三策,肅敬受之,祕而不宣。), (吳錄曰:權欲作塢,諸將皆曰:「上岸擊賊,洗足入船,何用塢為?」呂蒙曰:「兵有利鈍,戰無百勝,如有邂逅,敵步騎蹙人,不暇及水,其得入船乎?」權曰:「善。」遂作之。), (吳書曰:諸將皆勸作土山,添攻具,蒙趨進曰:「治攻具及土山,必歷日乃成,城備旣脩,外救必至,不可圖也。且乘雨水以入,若留經日,水必向盡,還道艱難,蒙竊危之。今觀此城,不能甚固,以三軍銳氣,四面並攻,不移時可拔,及水以歸,全勝之道也。」權從之。), (吳書曰:將軍士仁在公安拒守,蒙令虞翻說之。翻至城門,謂守者曰:「吾欲與汝將軍語。」仁不肯相見。乃為書曰:「明者防禍於未萌,智者圖患於將來,知得知失,可與為人,知存知亡,足別吉凶。大軍之行,斥候不及施,烽火不及舉,此非天命,必有內應。將軍不先見時,時至又不應之,獨守縈帶之城而不降,死戰則毀宗滅祀,為天下譏笑。呂虎威欲徑到南郡,斷絕陸道,生路一塞,案其地形,將軍為在箕舌上耳,奔走不得免,降則失義,竊為將軍不安,幸孰思焉。」仁得書,流涕而降。翻謂蒙曰:「此譎兵也,當將仁行,留兵備城。」遂將仁至南郡。南郡太守麋芳城守,蒙以仁示之,遂降。), (吳錄曰:初,南郡城中失火,頗焚燒軍器。羽以責芳,芳內畏懼,權聞而誘之,芳潛相和。及蒙攻之,乃以牛酒出降。), (江表傳曰:權於公安大會,呂蒙以疾辭,權笑曰:「禽羽之功,子明謀也,今大功已捷,慶賞未行,豈邑邑邪?」乃增給步騎鼓吹,勑選虎威將軍官屬,并南郡、廬江二郡威儀。拜畢還營,兵馬導從,前後鼓吹,光耀于路。), (權常歎曰:「人長而進益,如呂蒙、蔣欽,蓋不可及也。富貴榮顯,更能折節好學,耽恱書傳,輕財尚義,所行可迹,並作國士,不亦休乎!」), (卻說孫權既害了關公,遂盡收荊襄之地,賞犒三軍,設宴大會諸將慶功; ... 於是親酌酒賜呂蒙。呂蒙接酒欲飲,忽然擲盃於地,一手揪住孫權,厲聲大罵曰:「碧眼小兒!紫髯鼠輩,還識我否?」眾將大驚。急救時,蒙推倒孫權,大步前進,坐於孫權位上,兩眉倒豎,雙眼圓睜,大喝曰:「我自破黃巾以來,縱橫天下三十餘年,今被汝一旦以奸計圖我,我生不能啖汝之肉,死當追呂賊之魂!我乃漢壽亭侯關雲長也。」 權大驚,慌忙率大小將士,皆下拜。只見呂蒙倒於地上,七竅流血而死。眾將見之,無不恐懼。), Articles with Chinese-language external links, Articles containing traditional Chinese-language text, Articles containing simplified Chinese-language text, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia,ü_Meng?oldid=5369862. Lü Meng was granted the counties of Xunyang (尋陽) and Yangxin (陽新) as his taxable fiefs. Lü Meng was also appointed as the Administrator (太守) of Hanchang Commandery (漢昌郡; southeast of present-day Pingjiang County, Hunan) and received Xiajun (下雋), Liuyang (劉陽), Hanchang and Zhouling (州陵) counties as his personal marquisate. He then ordered Lü Meng to attack the bandits. Lü Ba was succeeded by his elder brother Lü Cong (呂琮) after his death. Lü Meng was aware of Guan Yu's military prowess and his intention of seizing Sun Quan's territories in Jing Province. Although the incident was over, Mi Fang still feared Guan Yu. [Sanguozhi 5], Later in 208, Lü Meng participated in the Battle of Red Cliffs, in which the allied forces of Sun Quan and Liu Bei defeated a much larger army led by the northern warlord Cao Cao at Wulin (烏林; in present-day Honghu, Hubei). In one incident, Lü Meng executed one of his soldiers for stealing from a civilian household, despite that man being an old acquaintance of his, and he shed tears after that. Chapter 915: Liu Meng Ying (Part 2) The anger in Chu Tian Zhe’s eyes was gradually replaced by a smile. He also visited Lü Meng's mother and left after befriending Lü Meng. [Sanguozhi 8], The Jiang Biao Zhuan (江表傳) mentioned that Sun Quan once told Lü Meng and Jiang Qin: "Both of you are now commanders so you should enrich yourself with knowledge." However, Lü Meng supported the idea of building a dock, as he said, "Battles are unpredictable and we may not always win. The former is used to describe an unlearned person[3] while the latter means to look at a person in a different light, especially after the person has improved remarkably. Lü Meng warned Sun Quan: "The lands in Wan County are very fertile so the enemy's numbers will rise after they gain a bountiful harvest. Brother you are drunk. By then, the enemy would have reinforced their defences and their relief forces would have arrived, and we cannot defeat them. Zhu Guang developed the area for agricultural use, while bribing bandits from Poyang (鄱陽) to serve as spies within Sun Quan's territory. Everyone followed the sound and saw a darkly tanned and thin child standing in front of a large black Cherokee car and excitedly waving at Tao Mu. “Senior Brother Meng and his wife are indeed powerful.” Now that you're going to be his opponent, you should have some measures to deal with him." Later, with encouragement from Sun Quan, Lü Meng took up scholarly pursuits to improve himself, gradually becoming a learned and competent military leader. He wanted to see Lü Meng but felt that it was too troublesome to keep moving around, so he had a hole drilled into the wall to observe Lü Meng's room. Besides, Guan Yu and his lord are untrustworthy so you shouldn't be too faithful towards them. [Sanguozhi 28], Lü Meng's marquis title was inherited by his son Lü Ba (呂霸). Lü Meng showed understanding towards Mi Fang and convinced him to surrender as well. Before the battle, Sun Quan summoned all his generals and asked them for their opinions. Lü Meng frequently met the official and he killed the latter one day when he could no longer control his anger. Lu Su left his seat, came closer to Lü Meng, placed his hand on his shoulder and said, "Lü Ziming, I never knew you had such insights until I came here." Sun Quan led his forces to resist the enemy and placed Lü Meng in charge of the army. [Sanguozhi 17], When Lü Meng pacified Changsha, he passed by Ling County (酃縣; east of present-day Hengyang, Hunan) and met Deng Xuanzhi (鄧玄之), an old friend of Hao Pu. ", Lü Meng also convinced Zhou Yu to send 300 men to block the enemy's retreat route with giant logs. Liu Feng pursued hotly to seven miles. Lu Su placed his hand on Lü Meng's back and said, "I heard that you were previously a mere warrior. [Sanguozhi 39], Sun Quan once said: "A person improves as he grows older. However, Lü Meng disagreed: "It will take several days to build the hills and replenish our equipment. But now, you've taken up scholarly pursuits and you're no longer that Meng under Wu." Lü Meng warned Sun Quan, "The lands in Huan are very fertile so the enemy's numbers will rise after they gain a bountiful harvest. [Sanguozhi 31], Sun Quan once said: "A person improves as he grows older. When Sun Quan came to inspect Lü Meng's men, he was so impressed that he placed more soldiers under Lü's command, thus saving Lü's troops from being merged into another unit. Fierce generals like Gan Ning are hard to come by. "[Sanguozhi 33]. [Sanguozhi 9], The Jiang Biao Zhuan (江表傳) recorded that Sun Quan once told Lü Meng and Jiang Qin: "Both of you are commanders now so you should enrich yourself with knowledge." Lü Meng, however, insisted on saving Gan Ning. Sun Quan praised Lü Meng for his bravery and appointed him as the Administrator of Lujiang. "[c] He heeded Lü Meng's suggestion. "[Sanguozhi zhu 2], Lü Meng was so inspired by Sun Quan's words that he began to study diligently and acquire more knowledge. Mengde agrees that he is already old but he never gives up on learning. The morale of Zhou Yu's army improved greatly, so they crossed the Yangtze River, set up a garrison near the enemy base, and then engaged Cao Ren's forces in battle. When she wanted to punish Lü Meng, the latter said, "It is difficult to survive in poverty; if we can prove ourselves through hard work, then wealth would come eventually. You should start off with Sun Tzu's The Art of War, the Six Secret Teachings, Zuo Zhuan, Guoyu and the Three Histories. Sun Quan heeded Lü Meng's advice and treated Gan Ning generously. There was one incident where Lü Meng was so furious with Gan Ning that he wanted to kill the latter. Liu Qiyuewho had flame wings spread out behind herwas very eye-catching. Young Master of Meng’s Group?” Speaking of Liu Xing, Xiao Yi is a little impressed. He wanted to see Lü Meng but felt that it was too troublesome to keep moving around, so he had a hole drilled in the wall to observe Lü Meng's room. [Sanguozhi 19], In 217, when Lu Su died, Lü Meng took over command of the former's troops, numbering over 10,000, and moved west to the garrison at Lukou (陸口; in present-day Jiayu County, Xianning, Hubei). Lü Meng was a native of Fupo (富陂), Runan (汝南郡), which is located southeast of present-day Funan County, Fuyang, Anhui. He recognised that the temporary stability and truce between Sun Quan and Liu Bei would not last long. [Sanguozhi 29], In his younger days, Lü Meng was not competent in reading and writing. "[notes 1] He then followed Lü Meng's suggestion. Within a few years time, Cao Cao's military prowess would have increased significantly, so we should eliminate them soon." Liu Bei returned to Jing Province when he heard of Lü Meng's advances and he stationed at Gong'an (公安; present-day Gong'an County, Jingzhou, Hubei) while ordering Guan Yu to lead an army to take back the three commanderies. “Go and bother Brother Meng.” Fei Liu made a questioning noise. By 215, Sun Quan's forces had failed to breach Hefei's walls and had also sustained heavy casualties in the earlier engagements with the enemy. You shouldn't view him in the same light now as you did in the past. Deng Dang was shocked to see his teenage brother-in-law in his unit, so he scolded Lü Meng and warned him to stop doing that. However, Lü Meng praised Xi Su as a courageous person and declined to assume command of Xi's men, claiming that it was unethical to do so because Xi had come a long way to join them. You should tolerate him." How can we catch the tiger cub if we don't enter the tiger's den?" However, the terrain there is very accessible by land and is suitable for the deployment of cavalry forces. When he grew older, he became more knowledgeable and resourceful, and was second to Gongjin, but he was less capable in speech as compared to Gongjin. If we succeed, we'll have the Yangtze River to our advantage and our prowess will increase significantly." As of now, I observe that the fortress's defences are weak, so we can achieve victory if we attack it from all directions when our army's morale is still high. Early in his career, he fought in several battles under the banner of Sun Ce (Sun Quan's elder brother and predecessor) and later under Sun Quan. Purple-bearded coward, do you still recognise me?" Lü Meng was promoted to General of the Household Who Sweeps Across the Wilderness (橫野中郎將) and awarded 10 million coins. Upon his return, Lü Meng was promoted to Lieutenant-General (偏將軍) and appointed as the Prefect (令) of Xunyang County (尋陽縣; southwest of present-day Huangmei County, Hubei). Before Xiao Yi became a soldier, he was also a cynical master. Guan Yu knew that he had lost and was isolated, so he withdrew to Maicheng (麥城; around present-day Maicheng Village, Lianghe Town, Dangyang, Hubei). But I lost my life because you used an evil scheme against me. When Cao Cao heard of the attack at Fancheng, he sent Yu Jin to lead an army to relief Cao Ren, but Yu Jin lost the battle and surrendered to Guan Yu. [Sanguozhi 2], A few years later, after Deng Dang died, Zhang Zhao recommended Lü Meng to take Deng's place, so Lü was appointed as a "Major of Separate Command" (別部司馬). [Sanguozhi 22], Previously, Lu Su had advocated the maintenance of friendly relations between Sun Quan and Liu Bei to sustain their alliance against Cao Cao. [Sanguozhi 20], Previously, Lu Su had advocated the maintenance of friendly relations between Sun Quan and Liu Bei to sustain their alliance against Cao Cao. "Its Senior Brother Meng." The possessed Lü Meng shoved Sun Quan away and sat on Sun's seat, with an expression of fury on his face, and he boomed, "Since defeating the Yellow Turban rebels, I've fought in wars for over 30 years. Meng Chuan and Liu Qiyue exchanged glances. Lü Meng enjoyed his finest hour after the victory but died a few months later because he was already seriously ill before the campaign. Fei Liu grinned. Later, with encouragement from Sun Quan, Lü Meng took up scholarly pursuits to improve himself, gradually becoming a learned and competent military leader. Lü Meng refused to listen so Deng Dang told Lü's mother about this. What I hope you can do is to spend a bit of time reading and understanding history. During the battle, Ling Tong and Dong Xi destroyed Huang Zu's two large mengchongs while Lü Meng's unit defeated Huang Zu's navy. Lu Meng (in Chinese: 呂蒙) is a character in the 14th-century Chinese classic novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms by the late Luo Guanzhong and its multiple adaptations. Looks like we can’t be brother and sister anymore, only sisters haha. That was Lü Meng's finest hour. Sun Quan agreed with Lü Meng and returned Xi Su's troops to him. Later, with encouragement from Sun Quan, Lü Meng took up scholarly pursuits … Lü Meng lived with his brother-in-law, Deng Dang (鄧當), who served as a military officer under Sun Ce. [Sanguozhi 15], When Lü Meng pacified Changsha, he passed by Ling (酃) and met a man called Deng Xuanzhi (鄧玄之), who was an old friend of Hao Pu. Sun Quan agreed with Lü Meng and returned Xi Su's troops to Xi. When Lü Meng heard of this, he collected funds to decorate his troops with brilliant armour. With this, Sun Quan's army defended their positions against Cao Cao's approaching forces, who retreated after several failed attempts to overcome the enemy. Hao Pu became wrecked with guilt when he learnt that both Liu Bei and Guan Yu were actually free to reinforce Lingling but it was too late. He left Guan Yu behind to defend his territories in southern Jing Province during his absence. How can we catch the tiger cub if we don't enter the tiger's den?" He lied to Deng Xuanzhi that Liu Bei was being besieged in Hanzhong by Cao Cao's general Xiahou Yuan and that Guan Yu was occupied in a battle at Nan commandery. [4], Cao Cao appointed Xie Qi (謝奇) as the Agricultural Officer (典農) of Qichun County and ordered him to station at Wan County (皖縣; present-day Qianshan County, Anhui) to harass the border of Sun Quan's domain. I'll personally head towards the frontline at Xiangyang. He sent his men to seize grain from one of Sun Quan's depots along the Xiang River. Gan Ning also infuriated Sun Quan on a number of occasions when he defied his lord's orders. Shaolin Mantis (Orig. [2], Lü Meng was from Fupo County (富陂縣), Runan Commandery (汝南郡), which is located southeast of present-day Funan County, Anhui. Liu Penzi (Chinese: 劉盆子; born 10 AD) was a puppet emperor placed on the Han dynasty throne temporarily by the Red Eyebrows (Chimei) rebels after the collapse of the Xin dynasty, from 25 to 27 AD.Liu Penzi and his two brothers were forced into the Red Eyebrows as child soldiers. When the reinforcements arrived at Yiling, they killed over half of the total number of enemy troops and forced the surviving ones to retreat at night. Later, he sought Lü Meng's advice on attacking Cao Cao in Xu Province, to which Lü Meng replied:[Sanguozhi 25], "Cao Cao is currently far away in Hebei. Ordered to abandon their position and retreat agreed except Lingling 's Administrator, Hao Pu into surrendering eventually! 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