That seems like it would keep priorities the same, but there is a slight risk you spend money you do not really have. For this example, we’re going to use the percentages suggested for a business that makes 250k or less per year. I travel a lot for work (and no that doesn't mean my salary is higher...unfortunately) and my monthly spend varies from $250 - $5,000+. How to Embrace YNAB Rule 3: Roll with the Punches Budget for the initial expense, then treat the reimbursement as income. How to handle reimbursements is an important topic, so a section of our Help Docs is dedicated to it. Thanks in advance! YNAB definitely needs to implement a real Business Expense / Reimbursable Expense feature. It was the go-to method of handling reimbursements. --Each time I get reimbursed, I reverse the operation described above. This means I went over budget. Wait a Minute, YNAB Won’t… YNAB won’t send your invoices for you (though you can actually track them pretty well in YNAB). Throughout the month I can see how much he owes me by simply looking at the tracking account balance. Here are just a few True Expenses to consider when setting up your budget: Taxes; Annual Subscriptions/Memberships (Amazon Prime, iCloud, Costco, Roadside Emergency Services) HOA fees; Car Registration and Licence Renewal; Professional Dues; Yard Care (including Pool and Lawn care, and Snow Removal) Day Care/Summer Camp; Vet Bills Or if you prefer the way they are set up by YNAB then go with that. 2. There are really only two options, either pay for it in advance with your own money, then use the reimbursement to replenish your category, or overspend a category with no funds in it and wait for the reimbursement to be deposited in order to repay the cc. Back in YNAB4, I was used to just letting a category go overbudgeted other the months and then just categorise the repayment within that category. Hope this helps someone searching around on here as I am! save. Give every dollar a job: When you receive a paycheck, assign it to your expense categories before you spend it. I think the best solution would be to establish a separate bank account and separate budget for your business. --create a category for each type of reimbursable expense, and fund it with the maximum amount that I expect to have outstanding. dakinemaui I track those expenses in expensify so I can also store images of the bills and receipts in the paper trail. It would not really give up anything in terms of interest income; you would keep your budget funds in accounts the same way you do now, with whatever method you are currently using to determine how much can be stored in savings, CDs, I-bonds, or whatever else you might use for longer-term budget funds. Embrace your true expenses. We're actually budgeting the difference of: (last month's income)-(this month's expenses). Personally, I'd just remove the flag once it has been reimbursed as I don't need the info for tax but you have the option of changing the colour of the flag once reimbursed. By creating a tracking account, the business expenses I "transfer" to this "Business Expenses" tracking account show up as inflow (since they are outflows from the credit card). It won’t integrate with your accountant’s tax software. The official solutions don't address this at all! YNAB won’t … On average, new users save $600 in the first two months, and more than $6,000 in the first year. 2) the costs incurred this month are attributed to income that will show up NEXT month when we get the payout-- i.e., the time period of the income and its associated expenses isn't the same. Over time the amount spent in these categories should average out to be zero anyway. This is one the most significant short-comings of YNAB. ), I got stuck. Embrace your true expenses: Set money aside every month for non-monthly expenses (property taxes, insurance premiums, holiday gifts, etc.) I'm back to this question again. But then in Month B, when that check clears, I simply enter it as available for the credit card that was used? I have been a YNAB'r for 3 months and I am starting out the new year able to fully fund my entire January Budget with a fair amount left over. You identify the big, infrequent expenses in your budget, then set up a goal to fund them on a monthly basis. It sounds convoluted, but once you establish the pattern, it should make sense. If you break up your larger expenses into 12 months, then you’ll have a more realistic picture of what you have available to spend today. Bakari YNABer since 2017. All of them. If I have a pre-seeded category, once I inflow the reimbursement to the category, I am done. My question is this: what is the best way to track these expenses and then the offsetting reimbursements so that it doesn't disrupt my budget? so that you’re ready when the bills come in. 1) these are not consistent costs as it depends on checkout dates, what supplies run out when, etc. These work arounds are too cumbersome and band aid fixes. On the cost side, we also have expenses such as cleaning, utilities, and supplies. :). Quicken only tracks your budget, YNAB does that AND helps you build a budget that meets the demands of your life and your savings needs. KEY FEATURES: Bank Syncing Easily connect all your accounts in one place and import your transactions, so you always have up-to-date information. So not only does it show up as a positive number, this positive number then skews my net worth report. It will make everything easier (taxes, reconciliation, personal vs. business expenses, etc.) I have a small business, and sometimes I pay a business expense from personal funds, so the business owes me money that it eventually pays back. The expenses sometimes come from our personal accounts as in utilities and our unit and rental unit are on the same bill. When I incur business travel, I take it out of my own personal vacation category (temporarily). For instance, I know that I will need to replace my Mac in the next two years, so I save £75 a month towards that future expense. Allow overspent amounts to carry over to next month. This report makes those decisions visible, so you can choose which to keep making and which to change. Many small business owners use YNAB to help them manage their business finances—it works for more than just acupuncturists! Recently started a new job where my business expenses are to be charged on my personal CC and reimbursed. Admittedly, the amount I spend on claimable expenses is not very much, probably small potatoes to someone who regularly travels for their employer, but presumably you also receive a larger income too. (Clearly any other category with a large balance could equally be used here). Patzer Your point about separating the interest aspect of money from its budgetary uses is a great one. I prefer the latter. I would not allow the categories to be overspent. (I'm guessing it's Schedule C in this case because it sounds like a sole prop to me, but who knows?). I think I follow your answer but want to clarify. YNAB won’t track your time for you. Thanks again! It has kept me from having to dip into my emergency fund in order to pay for quarterly or annual expenses. If you're doing thousands of dollars of reimbursements, that's probably not feasible, especially in the short term. On the one hand, I would be in a pickle if I had a business trip and had to pay for some of a vacation. I work from home, and I have fairly consistent overheads, so it didn’t seem worth the effort to set up a business budget. Follow YNAB to get support and lots of great ideas on budgeting. Record the expense as usual. Doing it this way will also keep your reimbursements from inflating your income, and it will keep both the expense and reimbursement in the same category, which can be excluded from your reports by unchecking one category in the report criteria. That way, you can easily hand off your transactions to an accountant when tax time rolls around. How do folks feel about a dedicated buffer for these kinds of expenses? One bit of advice for when you do end up making a business purchase out of your personal account, and you will, we all do at some point; email yourself an expense statement with a copy of the receipt, as if you were an employee requesting a reimbursement. Sorry for the delay here! It's definitely the purest way but not feasible for us right now. I'm sure you have other startup expenses you've incurred, just chalk up one month's expenses to "startup" as a mental shift in perspective. The end result was a zero-sum when everything was paid for. Note that because these expenses get reimbursed regularly, I only had to budget the $500 and $300 one time. Having a separate business budget also makes it much easier to see how much you can safely take from the business in profit at any time without endangering its cash flow. My work reimbursements are pretty modest, so I only keep $250 in it, and I've never needed more than that. I moved this over to our Q&A section to make sure you get an answer! In this screencast I give a short example of how to enter expenses and how they appear in the budgeting screen in YNAB. Just sharing what works for me, and hoping that everyone finds a workflow that makes sense for them. In order to not overspend in Month A, you would have to preseed the category with your own funds. This will probably wreak havoc with the stock credit card handling though, so... yeah, if you're using that, it'll mess up your CC Payment category something fierce, or at least I would expect it to. A little more juggling than I'd like and would like to get the balance up so I don't have to think about it so much but does keep me from submitting my reports late. Right now I don't have that much available so I keep $1000 parked in my reimbursable category. We split our after the fact. In this situation (one of deliberately using credit and waiting for the reimbursement to pay the card) I would inflow the reimbursement directly to the category I spent from, and then move the funds from that category to the cc payment line on the budget screen of the current month. I named mine Next Expense Claim. There are two ways you can handle reimbursements in YNAB: 1. If you don't have (or are unwilling to move your own funds to do this), then you are using the credit card float, which will work as long as the reimbursement is received before the cc due date. I abhor overspends in my budget. Your post made me so happy. It would be more honest and indicative of reality to have a Business Expense category, fund it *once* with $X (representing the maximum amount you expect to have pending reimbursement at any time), then just record both expenses and reimbursements to that category without ever budgeting anything more to it. 1) these are not consistent costs as it … Marla E Thank you so much for that idiot-proof explanation: totally what I am looking for and delighted to set it up right now. In effect, I feel like I am showing as overspent in Month A with an artificially inflated amount to budget in Month B when that reimbursement check gets deposited because I cannot (as far as I know) go back retroactively to clear Month A's expenses with Month B's income. For example, if I buy some groceries for my son, under payee I put "Transfer to [Son's Name] Owes" (that is the name of the tracking account) and under category I put "[Son's Name] Expenses." Marla E I also thank you for that great description of how you are using HappyDance's setup! Those are the "cost of revenue" and in an ideal world, I'd excluded these AND reduce our "to be budgeted" by the same amount. In native YNAB you can't name the flags but the Toolkit does give you that option which could be helpful. Without further ado, and perhaps just for inspiration, here is our YNAB Business Category Setup, subject to change on the whimiest of whims. You could also use your funds to budget for the expenses, but wait until you receive the reimbursement check to pay for it (so you'd technically still be paying with the reimbursement check, but wouldn't be overspent). Temporarily overspend, then use the reimbursement to cover it. dakinemaui Indeed, I use Category Groups that correspond to Schedule C lines. dakinemaui this sounds like what I need to do. I don't know if I would have stuck with YNAB if it weren't for HappyDance 's guidance. Those are the "cost of revenue" and in an ideal world, I'd excluded these AND reduce our "to be budgeted" by the same amount. Seth: I only added my business account to YNAB after speaking to Stephen! Personally I've opted to fund a "Reimbursables" category which I'm building up to $250 (currently at $119, but it's slowly getting there) . I simplified my question but I actually have a couple business lines and sometimes need receipts for reimbursement or track mileage and such. Other months I spend $2k or more and show a negative in this category. When you combine Profit First with YNAB, you can build a budget th... Small business budgeting can be an absolute nightmare, but it doesn't have to be that way. I suggest you get past linking particular expenses to particular inflows of money. Business Expenses in YNAB. YNAB will help you break the paycheck to paycheck cycle, get out of debt, and save more money. But if I were to do in YNAB would I create duplicate categories... Like home electric bill vs airbnb electric bill? Rule #2: Embrace Your True Expenses. If you choose not to budget for those expenses upfront, then your budget will appear overspent, but you can then budget your full reimbursement check towards that category each month to make sure you're paying off those purchases. An easy workaround is to create a new category for "AirBnB expenses" and reduce "To be budgeted" by the exact expenses as they come up. Here is how I use it: --create a category group called Reimbursable Expenses. So how did YNAB become one of the best budgeting software, rivalling even Mint? Since you are using a combined budget, per-business groups seem appropriate. TheTabby Preseeding is fine except that it removes the ability to see the balance of what your company still needs to reimburse you for. This leaves your available balance. I'm still working on that aspect (right now, any excess is in a vanilla savings account). On the other hand, tying up a vacation's worth of money continually seems like a large forgone opportunity cost in terms of interest. Try it free for 34 days. In the payee field, I enter a transfer back to the tracking account, and in the category field I enter the same category that I used for the original outflow. Temporarily overspend, then use the reimbursement to cover it. Once you have your business in a separate budget, the answers to all of these questions will fall into place, although—as I'm sure you've found with your personal budget—there will almost definitely be a rough month or two (or more) while you're filling out your True Expense categories for your business. The Income/Expense Report is then an easy summary artifact/documentation. I am having trouble figuring out how to treat expenses associated with our business. Ender Wiggin Unfortunately allowing overspent categories to roll over to the next month is a feature that was specifically and intentionally removed when YNAB released the web version however long ago that was. Depending on the total revenue of the company, the percentages that get allocated to each category are different. Glad to see a testimonial for the tracking account method for reimbursements. Give every dollar a job. 2 If you receive the reimbursement in the same month as the expense and you haven't made a credit card payment since recording the expense, categorize the deposit with the same category as the original expense. I let them go negative for my CC until my reimbursement comes in. YNAB starts you out with lots of category groups and category suggestions. Some months my expenses are less, everything stays positive and I pay it back before the end of the month...all is well. Either way, I would always categorize the reimbursement directly to the category I spend from for the business expenses. YNAB won’t track your mileage for you. Quicken is a more robust money management tool than YNAB. Rule Two – Embrace Your True Expenses. I also don't like having my accounts held hostage by someone else, waiting on my accounting department to pay me on time. I had originally planned on just having a Business Expense category but then I realized that the overspent in the category would not carry over to the next month. After that, the categories become self-sustaining, because when the reimbursement comes, it gets budgeted directly back to that category. IF YOUR BUSINESS MAKES 250K OR LESS PER YEAR: Profit - 5%. 2. :-). Tip: you can't assign a category in a tracking account, so I always enter these transfer in the on-budget account, and I can enter a category for the incoming dollars. Two issues, though. Decide what you want to do with each dollar that comes into your bank accountbefore you spend it. We also use our credit card to earn miles and I'm not willing to lose the points to keep things that clean! But with the removal of the "subtract from next month's category" option (which is a shame and messed up with my budgets big time! The problem I have is that the Business category I created for business expenses goes negative during the month but I don't reimbursed for those expenses until the following month and that negative balance doesn't carry forward. Whether you categorize the reimbursement as inflow: to be budgeted or categorize it directly back to the category you used for the business expenses is up to you. But unfortunately it does not allow for setting up an expense item quarterly, semi annually, or annually. When you receive a payment, enter a transfer from the tracking account to your chequing account. Follow YNAB to get support and lots of great ideas on budgeting, the costs incurred this month are attributed to income that will show up NEXT month when we get the payout, The expenses sometimes come from our personal accounts as in utilities. That is a lot of money, and you are probably thinking if you had that many expenses you could simply eliminate, you already would have. You would create one as described by others if you want to track how much your employer owes you; you would omit it if your situation is simple enough that you know what is outstanding and the tracking account just looks like more clutter to you. How to Use YNAB For Your Business. Taxes: 15%. YNAB takes your budgeted amount and subtracts your activity. I am still using that workaround as described, and I can report that it still works well and I have not made any changes or discovered any improvements. Trying to track "payback" will drive you crazy and is just not necessary. One idea is to just let them accrue and show me as overbudgeted until I deposit my reimbursement check to offset those expenses. I use a personal credit card for business expenses and then I get a monthly reimbursement check. Also, just to keep things easier to track, whenever I get reimbursed I "clear" the transactions that the reimbursement applies to. --I like to be able to see at a glance exactly how much is owed to me for reimbursable expenses, so I create a tracking account that corresponds to each reimbursable expense category. HappyDance had a great explanation of how this setup works. If there were ever a month when expenses exceeded those amounts, I could temporarily move some money from another category to increase the budgeted amount. Seems like that will do what I've been trying to figure out regarding reimbursements. Do you have funds you can leave in your expense category to act as a cushion? I was planning on using this to keep track of what my company still needed to reimburse me for in the instances where I get partial reimbursements at different times. (Clearly any other category with a large balance could equally be used here). Has anyone used a tracking account to keep all the budget amounts the same and "float" the cost of the business trip without affecting other categories? By pre-seed the category, I mean move funds from another category (like emergency fund) and let it live in your business expenses category. E lines. Exactly the kind of thing I was hoping to hear!! share. The first step Monica recommends taking is setting up categories in your budget to reflect each of your IRS expense categories. Ideally I'd like to have $5k of my "emergency savings" parked in a reimbursable expenses category that I spend against and replenish monthly. It won’t print checks. ”. Assuming you're in the US... A lot of people use categories that map to the various Sch. Unless business trips get more expensive or your employer becomes slower to reimburse you. The Spending report shows spending in your Budget accounts, from the biggest of big picture down to individual categories, and even individual transactions. YNAB revolves around 4 easy-to-understand rules: 1. Since the overspend is on a credit card, it increases your debt on your cc. Assign a specific colour flag to expenses that have yet to be reimbursed when you enter the transaction. I can exclude the whole Reimbursable Expenses category group from my reports. 2. I pay my credit card in full on my own time table and when it's due. Slate Blue Beat I am glad it helped! Go ahead and enter the budget categories you wrote down yesterday. Once the reimbursement check comes in (typically within a month), I move it briefly to To Be Budgeted and then top off my vacation category again. Owners compensation: 50%. and reconcile the tracking account That way when I view the tracking account with reconciled transactions filtered out, I am always looking at just the outstanding reimbursable expenses that are currently owed to me. The type of tracking account is "Other Asset" (because money owed to me is an asset). By 'preseed the category,' do you mean add an expected spend amount as budgeted for Month A (and increase it if the spend is higher or decrease if lower) so that my available funds to be budgeted aren't artificially inflated? I use the saving goals (where you set a target amount to save by a certain date) and now apply this to future business expenses. I'm looking forward to building that out and giving it a shot. HappyDance Thanks for the help. On the cost side, we also have expenses such as cleaning, utilities, and supplies. Thanks for the reminder that I should be more creative with any funds dedicated to a budget category that will be spent in future months. As for tracking, whether you use your own funds or let the category go overspent, I recommend a tracking account. This solution is perfect for me. Expenses: 30% I don't move it directly into vacation as my priorities might have changed. Currently, there isn't an option to print the screen you're on in YNAB. In my case I have $500 budgeted to my Business Expenses category and $300 budgeted to my [Son's Name] Expenses category. Oh well. YNAB Mobile ; Contact; Contact; Spending Report. You would only have to preseed your category once. :). YNAB’s Four Rules Explained. When I incur business travel, I take it out of my own personal vacation category (temporarily). I've been diligent in getting my expenses submitted by the 20th each month so I'm paid before month's end and still "put them back" in the reimbursable category before month's end so no harm done, nothing shows as negative at the end of the month. If the screenshot isn't sufficient, you can export your transactions and budget in CSV format, then edit in Excel and send to your employer that way. In month a, you can get now is manually negative-budgeting your reimbursement category the 1st of the best would... Up as a checking account includes our AirBnB income the reimbursable categories is zero allow setting... 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